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Member since August 5, 2011
Last seen August 18, 2023
Edits so far 114
Edits last month 0


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You're a star mate. Thank you for the info!!

Hey mate. Bit of a random question, but would you have any idea what the support acts were for the 2002 Wilco show at the University of Manchester? A while ago now, but just wanted to know. Many thanks. :)

Hi, Offer still stands. I don't need anything in return. The reason for the delay is that I had no space in my dropbox. But I've uploaded it to my google drive, so hopefully it should work. here's the link.

Let me know if it works/doesn't work...

gutsy, is that offer for a copy of the Long Ryders show still good? Maybe we can trade. I have a friend who has given me a few shows. I could make up a list. Maybe we could find something you like?

I have Dropbox on my phone. Hope that helps.

Maybe we can trade. I have a friend who records and every once in a while he floats me a show that we both attend.

Can I still get a copy of the show?

Have you got Dropbox? I can put it in a public folder.

That would be great. I taped the Leeds show on my iphone but it sounds like crap. I'm going to get a friend to show me how to download it as a wav file and I have another friend who is willing to track it. I think the Leeds shows and Manchester shows were the same except for the first song of the encore. Let me know what I need to do to get a copy.