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Member since April 10, 2010
Last seen April 2, 2024
Edits so far 96
Edits last month 1


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Okay good to know and thanks for the reply!

Hey there! Did you film the 1987 Michael Jackson concert or know anybody else that did? If not, no worries, but there's no full concert footage from Parramatta on YouTube currently.

Hi Glenn, just saw your post here about Donovan at the Basement in the late 90s:
A couple of other users have tracked down a few appearances in 1997. Do you think that your 1999 placeholder should be merged into one of those? (FWIW, it seems that he appeared at Sweetwater in NZ in Jan 1999, so perhaps he played again in Aus around that time...?)

You don't need to remember the set lists. If someone else does, they'll flesh it out.

omg you have seen everyone

I know but i can remember all the set lists

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