fender1011's setlist.fm

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Name Christopher Brady
Last.fm Fender1011
Twitter bradychris


Member since April 16, 2016
Last seen April 24, 2024
Edits so far 270
Edits last month 2


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Mean Streak & Open Fire we’re in the printed setlist. Great show anyhow

Again, great work. I was at the Bammies Reunion at the Regency:
We can take turns with the Night Ranger Fillmore setlist in April...

Hey. Yes that was probably it. John did sing it.

Hey, Fender AKA CB. As usual, top notch with the Y & T setlist. I was at another gig across town and only caught "Forever." Do you think the song you weren't sure of was "Squeeze?" John Nymann sings and it usually is played at that point in the show. Keep it up!

Figured you must have seen it. Great work. Keep it up!

Haha. Saw your note about Night Ranger. I was close enough to sneak a peak at the set list. I'd rather do it that way and go back and edit. That way I can enjoy the show and not be on my phone the whole time. Rock on!

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