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Member since July 30, 2015
Last seen August 30, 2023
Edits so far 105
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Hey, JL:

Thanks for the pickup. Computer must have put in Reilly, when it was actually Ike Turner at that show. I've made the correction.

Thanks again.


You added an Ike Reilly show in Cotati, CA from 1988, citing a SF Chronicle article. At the time, he was fronting a band called The Eisenhowers and hadn't yet become "Ike Reilly". They played mostly in Milwaukee and Chicago and other places in the midwest.

I'm not saying that someone named Ike Reilly didn't play in CA back then, but it is probably a different guy. Is there some way you can differentiate the artists? Or if it was The Eisenhowers that played that gig, great find on your part!

Thanks for your response. Would you know the name of the park? Then I can create a venue for it and use that as the venue for the show. THERE ARE A LOT OF PARKS IN Kenosha and I don't want to guess what it is.

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