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About wintersun


Member since September 15, 2012
Last seen April 26, 2024
Edits so far 2759
Edits last month 14


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I notice you attended some concerts in Paradiso Amsterdam. Since these need to be spilit up in the respective venues Paradiso Grote Zaal, Paradiso Kleine Zaal, Paradiso Kelder, ... would you happen to remember in which hal these took place and adapt them?

Do you know the exact Melkweg venue for Breeders + Herbert Gronemeyer?
Didn't ask if he played in the Netherlands, asked if you could change the 'generic' Melkweg for either Ash and the two others.

+ Herbert Gronemeyer at Melkweg?

Since October 27, 1995 the venue Melkweg in Amsterdam has two main rooms/halls. What was previously known as the Melkweg's main hall, was renamed Oude Zaal (old room) or OZ as it is called nowadays:
On the mentioned date a larger hall opened under the name The Max (nowadays just Max):
Would you be able as visitor to change the venue for the Ash setlist from just Melkweg to the correct hall?

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