dirkvandamme's setlist.fm

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dirkvandamme is a superpowered Moderator and knows everything about setlists!


Member since May 28, 2014
Last seen April 25, 2024
Edits so far 218404
Edits last month 132


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Can you please explain to me why mods need to see that I edited several sets in good faith three years ago? Especially when I haven't done anything like that since being made aware of the need for sources?

Also, for what it's worth, I was looking at some sets I attended yesterday and noticed that these changes were even reverted on the sets I *was* marked as present for?

Kan van deze setlist de laatste 3 edits verwijderd worden? Setlist.fm heeft door cookies deze show overschreden, mijn excuses! Als dat niet gaat zal ik het handmatig doen


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