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About sidwujian


Member since December 10, 2012
Last seen December 5, 2023
Edits so far 542
Edits last month 0


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Regarding your comment to Magnix
Hey, what's the point of changing the venues into rooms (like Melkweg Oudezaal)? It's quite complex and confusing to people. Besides, you didn't edit all of the gigs, like the ones before 2013, which makes the whole thing more confusing.
Rome wasn't built in one day, so we're busy updating these, but sometimes it's not that easy to find the correct information.
Setlists uses the name of the venues as it was at the moment the concerts took place, that's why the generic Melkweg can't be used anymore after October 27, 1995.
Thanks for the Aprilfeesten.

Please use exact location for Aprilfeesten and assign this afterwards to festival Aprilfeesten.

just saw your comment re: múm in Beijing - thanks so much!

bu neng fa zhong

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