
sakke2207's user profile image



Member since July 11, 2012
Last seen April 24, 2024
Edits so far 87
Edits last month 0


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Could you please change the generic venue Paleis voor Schone Kunsten / Palais des Beaux-Arts Brussels to the actual one in which the concert took place?
Paleis voor Schone Kunsten Henry Le Boeufzaal / Palais des Beaux-Arts Salle Henry Le Boeuf Brussels
Paleis voor Schone Kunsten De Zaal M / Palais des Beaux-Arts Brussels La Salle M Brussels
Cafetaria Paleis voor Schone Kunsten / Cafétaria Palais des Beaux Arts Brussels
Paleis voor Schone Kunsten Terarkenzaal / Palais des Beaux-Arts Les Salles Terarken Brussels
Thanks for helping out to make this site better.

Hi there,
I noticed you wrote some infor on this setlist to bypass the mandatory edit comment feature.
"Be sure to explain why you edited the setlist. Don't explain what you've edited as this is obvious to the viewer." is a wiki-effort, and it is important for us all to be as transparent and clear as possible in sharing information. To ensure that edits are verified for other users, and to avoid unnecessary discussions and save a lot of time in the future, edit comments have been made mandatory for all users.
Please ensure that you share informative comment with future edits, so that everybody understands where you received the information you're contributing.

Please do not use festival name for venue but exact location (specifically written in the guidelines) and link them to a festival
following the guidelines for venues and festivals

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