herman78's setlist.fm

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Last.fm herman78

Visiting concerts since 1997. Gradually adding the concerts I visited to my profile. Luckily I've always kept an archive/concert diary. Most of 1997-2000 is in here now. Next stop: 2001.


Member since May 15, 2013
Last seen March 29, 2024
Edits so far 251
Edits last month 0


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You recently add a gig for "Cereal" at "Paard van Troje Kleine Zaal". The band you choose is a covers band form Argentina. They do not exits in 2004.
I will delete this set list.
In case you want to add the correct band, you can do it form here: https://musicbrainz.org/ and import it here later.

I noticed you attended a concert in Paradiso. Because these need to be split up in the real halls Paradiso Grote Zaal (Big Hall), Paradiso Kleine Zaal (Small Hall), Paradiso Kelder (Basement), ... could you adapt this one if you remember?

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