Wallin's setlist.fm

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Member since November 21, 2014
Last seen April 4, 2024
Edits so far 565
Edits last month 0


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OK, thanks for replying. It would be great to get hold of one.


I'm sorry, but I don't have a bootleg of this evening and don't know how to get one. I just get the setlist and remember that it was a very impressive gig.

And you can see a short video on youtube.


I saw you updated the set-list for British Sea Power at Roter Salon, Berlin, in 2003.

I am trying to get hold of an audio recording 'bootleg' of the gig. Do you happen to have one - or know if one is available?


thanks for your contribution. It would be good if you'd devote a couple of mintues to read the guidlines (especially why @tags are useful).

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