EdmundDantes's setlist.fm

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Member since May 23, 2018
Last seen May 31, 2022
Edits so far 1
Edits last month 0


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ELO were simple magnificent as you would expect from such great musicians,
Light show and sound engineers also excellent.
Arena Birmingham please note you ruined what was otherwise a wonderful evening by your woeful tiered seating.When you are 6ft 3" squeezing into 12" of leg room is truly uncomfortable.

Fantastic concert! Steve Hackett surrounding hismself with his usual stellar backing band and vocals from Nad Sylvan with the addition of the Heart of England Orchestra. Excellent way to spend a Monday evening.
If you are a fan then I can thoroughly recommend this.Early Genesis, mid Genesis and Steve's own back catelogue.

Morten Harket even cooler than he was in the 1980's.

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