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About tpd1982


Member since August 6, 2010
Last seen April 16, 2024
Edits so far 1295
Edits last month 24


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Sweet! Like Michael's stuff very much. C U there...

Thanks for the authentic 70’s rock vibe!

Thanks for the Fox show. Which guitarist were you?

Cool! I found you via Michael Shaw and am almost done putting the early Butlers shows online. Hope to catch you in person next time

Glad you were able to catch and post the Butlers' set. Is it still incomplete or can that notation be removed?

No worries, thanks for responding so fast!

Hello! I was wondering if you had any pics or vids of DragonForce (DragonHeart at the time) performing at The Underworld on 12/10/2000. If you do, you can contact me at It'd be greatly appreciated as me and some guys are trying to archive old footage

Fun BOC show. An attendee feels Dancin’ in the Ruins was played, not on the printed setlist can you confirm?

I had to leave during "Four Day Creep." Please confirm that the encores were correct. Any chance his son joined him onstage at the end?

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