tehdarkchao's setlist.fm

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Member since October 13, 2010
Last seen April 16, 2024
Edits so far 204
Edits last month 0


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Hey, I see that you attended 2 system of a down shows from 2011 and 2021, how where they? I want to know if you have any recordings/phtos from the event, if not do you know anyone who has?

Thanks for adding the times to the Duran Duran setlist :)

Can you please add the setlist for the February 10th, 2024 Silversun Pickups show? If you don't remember a song title, write a lyric you remember as the song title and I'll fix it for you. If you do remember all of them, amazing!

Please respond and/or add the setlist, it would be greatly appreciated, as I'm going to the show on the 12th and I wanna know what to expect (because idk if they changed a song or not).