tardy491's setlist.fm

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Member since August 16, 2018
Last seen April 13, 2024
Edits so far 528
Edits last month 6


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Please use the exact venue or location for the concerts you attended https://www.setlist.fm/venue/hoboken-arts-and-music-festival-hoboken-nj-usa-3d4e99b.html following the guidelines at
In the meantime when you create a new venue there's a specific warning not to use the festival name as venue
Please don't use festival names like Lollapalooza Festival for venues, but rather use the name of the actual venue, e.g. Grant Park in Chicago for this specific example. Also check our festival naming convention for details.

Thanks for correcting BONGOS Friday setlist. I did what i could from clips Richard shared at IG

Unfortunately I don’t really remember the setlist from that show, other than the majority of it being the first Killers record.

hi! i saw that you had attended The Killers show at the Richmond Ballpark in October of 2005


I was wondering if you possibly remember any of the songs they may have played that night? thank you for reading and have a great day! :)

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