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About skibone


Member since August 25, 2010
Last seen April 25, 2024
Edits so far 7132
Edits last month 56


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Yes, Yeti and Doc Brown are Great Blue originals I see now. Maybe I'll update that later. I was just making the cover info correct for the ones that I saw at the May 27th show cause those were the ones that mattered to me. I could go down a giant rabbit hole with Great Blue and Vasudo covers honestly.

Good morning. Take a look at the Goose bandcamp pages. 2021/05/09 Caverns for example. All of them will say “Don’t Do It” by The Band. Therefore, they are likely covering The Band’s take on Marvin Gaye’s original. Which is why it’s labeled as Don’t Do It, the name The Band recorded it as (per Wikipedia.) You certainly aren’t wrong about Gaye being the original, but the Goose covers should be reflected as The Band, IMO.

A 'Roadie' is just a badge for
we are underneath the 'Moderators'
It probably helped that i have done nearly 100,000 edits on this cite!
wow, if they only paid me....

Hi Skibone,
I have been cleaning up some of the Spafford shows.
I saw you had the last entries on most of these.
I left comments on some of those shows if you wanted to clean up the rest of them?
I stopped around Oct. 2019 shows.
Also, impressive amount of shows you have under your belt!!! All best, Dr. AL

Hi. Of course I don't mind changing the date for those shows, but you know you could do it yourself, right? If you click on the arrow next to "edit setlist songs" it gives you the option to "change venue & date".