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Member since March 9, 2013
Last seen April 18, 2024
Edits so far 533
Edits last month 5


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Ah, o.k.
Well, I was close.
Apparently you know them, though.
If you would, tell them the guy sitting on the speaker next to them, applauds them for introducing their daughter to music.

In regards to the Liliac update for the Houston show.
Would you happen to have been stage left with your wife and daughter?
If so, kudos to y'all for introducing her to this type of music and taking her to concerts.

Hey, I saw that you went to a System of a Down concert in 2000, that's awesome! Do you still have any stuff of them from these times? Like photos, videos, tickets/flyers, etc. If yes, reply me via e-mail please:


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