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Member since November 30, 2017
Last seen December 8, 2017
Edits so far 0
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Hi, regarding the date when I added the setlist and comparing them with other date when I added other Descendents setlists, I can ensure you that my first source was on PunkTorrents, it is a torrent site, in which you need to register to access to the shared files. I searched but I didn't find the exact show, maybe you will

Hi, you're right, I was wrong on the date.
For the show in Berkeley, I have found this source: This is a network where people said if they have recordings of shows. You can see who have this recording here:, then you can contact these people.
However, since the setlist I edited in 2015 wasn't the same and that I didn't know this site back then, I'm sure I had another source for this show. I keep on researching and keep you informed

Hi, if I added this setlist, then I've had a source saying which song was played, and sometimes my sources are recordings of show. But I added a lot of shows as you might have seen on my profile, and I don't write all my sources, and I didn't for this one.
However, I will try to find it, and keep you informed if I have or not.

Hello! I’m terribly sorry, I don’t have a recording of the show... It might be on YouTube, if you haven’t already looked!

Have a nice day! :)