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Member since January 25, 2011
Last seen April 14, 2024
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Thanks for the reply! There were 750+ "instances of "Gloria" in Patti Smith's artist statistics and only in the last 2 years or so were 20- or so listings of "Gloria (In In Excelsis Deo)" added. I changed them all to "Gloria" since that is how she started releasing it in the last 20 years or so. But it certainly could be a question for the Artist's Forum, about changing to the longer Horses track title: "Gloria (In In Excelsis Deo) / Gloria"

Question for you, since you may know a lot about Patti Smith (I'm a fan and know things but not an expert.)
In my research (listening to all the song releases on streaming, lyrics check, "Gloria (In In Excelsis Deo)" from Horses (actually "Gloria (In In Excelsis Deo) / Gloria" is the same song played throughout her career since its release that he changed the title off on most later releases to just "Gloria". There may be one or two lines differences, live there may be an extra 30 seconds or minute of jamming live but essentially all the same song.

Just want to confirm there isn't a secret verse / something that differentiates the song titled "Gloria (In In Excelsis Deo)" from her song "Gloria".
