
myunclepunk's user profile image



Member since June 24, 2012
Last seen April 18, 2024
Edits so far 465
Edits last month 1


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Hi, I noticed you saw GYBE at the Bowery Ballroom in 2000. do you have recordings of the show or know anyone with one?

Haha well, that's the way it goes sometimes! Thank you so much for taking the time to respond! I really appreciate it! :)

Hello! I see that you attended this Elliott Smith concert in 1996. Do you happened to remember any of the songs that he played at this show? Please get back to me on this when you can. Thank you! :)

Sup man, im trying to find someone from the chicago area to ride with me to Madison this november to see Deafheaven , let me know if interested.

User charts

myunclepunk saw 666 different artists.