
maybenotjake's user profile image



Member since March 22, 2017
Last seen April 24, 2024
Edits so far 2714
Edits last month 2


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Thank you for your reply! I know that it can be quite a lot to prove every edit with a source, but it's simply necessary. We're already running into issues with other users/attendees who can't follow your edits because you did not provide sources. This leads to complaints about you and them reverting your changes - which they can do, since your edits lack sources. All of this ends up with getting more people involved, questioning edits, reverting and discussing on user profiles just like I do. This can all be avoided by simply providing sources for every edit. So please, please do provide a source for every edits, it saves a *lot* of hassle.

Hi there, you need to provide sources for each one of your edits:

Your recent tour edits for the Wombats were all against the guidelines, and some of them might have been even wrong.

Hi there,
I noticed you wrote some info on these setliste to bypass the mandatory edit comment feature.
Give proof why you added the tour.
All this may be evident for you but maybe not for others. is a wiki-effort, and it is important for us all to be
****as transparent and clear as possible in sharing information. ****
To ensure that edits are verified for other users, and to avoid unnecessary discussions and save a lot of time in the future, edit comments have been made mandatory for all users.
Please ensure that you share informative comment with future edits, so that everybody understands where you received the information you're contributing.

Please give proof for your editing
A medley is a mix of partially performed songs connected together with no breaks in between. Please note that:

If the songs were played in full with no break in between then they should not be listed as a medley. They should each receive their own line.
If one of the songs was performed in full then it does not fit the definition of a medley. A song info should be added for additional snippets. E.g. add with 'Black Dog' intro as song info for Whole Lotta Love

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maybenotjake saw 105 different artists.