
maplefanta's user profile image



Member since March 11, 2020
Last seen April 19, 2024
Edits so far 3229
Edits last month 552


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I sourced a couple of the setlists to show you what the source links are, how you can copy and paste the URLs, etc. Please do the rest or they'll end up deleted.

You just added a bunch of setlist for Doll Riot with NO SOURCE.

Every edit on this sit needs a source.

Any post on social media, or anywhere on the internet, has a url that can be copied and pasted as the source. It's the only way we have to verify that the edit is valid.

On Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, TikTok = there is a SHARE button that lets you copy the link to the post. Every webpage has a url that an be copied and pasted.

A user had submitted all of those setlists without a source for deletion. Please add a source for each setlist added or they'll end up deleted.

Dang, looks like Braid took down that complete show list! Didn't realize until you commented, but I can't find it/get to it any more either. Will be on the look out for other sources of that list.

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