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About Kentonio


Member since April 18, 2016
Last seen April 13, 2024
Edits so far 88
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I'm sorry for your hostility.
I tried to add Trouble No More onto the setlist and couldn't.
How can I delete it?

thanks for the information on H&O. The Rolling Stone and New York magazine links aren't viewable for me since they need an online subscription, but the Forest Hills Times mentions the July 23rd concert.

I do the same, make a note of the opening act that is and I wrote Little Feat on the Ticket. I am going to leave things as is. If you wish to discuss further I can be reached at

I was also at that show, I remember Little Feet to be the opening act, if not do you remember who opened?


What is your e-mail address, I have thoughts and questions.

Regarding the Hooters opening for Stevie Nicks 9/30/89, I created the setlist based on the link posted beneath said setlist in the comments, i.e.
Dave (whoever he is) lists the show there, and since he also has a few pictures he took of the Hooters there I found it clear that he is a credible source for the date in question. (Also, the Hooters were opening for Nicks on most (all) of the tour's dates.) If you the setlist is an error, please report it for deletion in the forums.
Cheers, Jutze