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Looking for Ramones and Misfits live bootlegs/


Member since October 30, 2010
Last seen September 22, 2023
Edits so far 0
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Hello! I'm sorry for the delayed response; I didn't see your post until just now. Unfortunately, I don't have any Ramones tapes. Sorry… :/ I hope you find what you're looking for!

Sorry, I don't have a copy of the Ramones show at Forks of the River.

No I don't. I've slept and drank a lot since that show and can't remember exactly what songs they did.

Hi! I'm sorry but I don't have the full show of sinners day :-(

Grtz, Muk

and i don't have any recordings of my own, sorry.

No :(, but...if you have some time to waste, search in youtube for "Misfits São Paulo 2012" and download the videos

if you mean recorded, i haven't. sorry. for both of us.

i've never seen them live if that's what you mean.