jrnjr's setlist.fm

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Member since June 1, 2016
Last seen April 24, 2020
Edits so far 8
Edits last month 0


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Hi there,

I wanted to ask you a quick question about the December 23, 1974 KISS concert you attended in Wilkes Barre, PA.

This is a bit of an obscure question, but do you recall anything about KISS's setlist at that show? In particular, I'm trying to figure out if KISS performed either "Hotter Than Hell" or "Watchin' You" at the concert.

Also, do you recall the show being delayed and the opening act, Kenny Kramer (the comedian who was the real-life inspiration for Kramer on the "Seinfeld" show), performing an extra long opening set to keep the crowd engaged?

I'm an author who wrote a book about KISS's touring history, so these types of details always interest me.

If you have any recollections of that or anything else about the show, I'd love to hear about it.



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