jargen0's setlist.fm

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Member since April 21, 2012
Last seen April 25, 2024
Edits so far 124
Edits last month 0


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Hi! I saw that you attended to Robbie Williams concert at Hard Rock Cafe 1999.

I would like to know if you have the broadcast of VH1 or other channel? Or if you have other bootlegs of him? I have a lot since 1997, if you want to trade the files.

Thanks! :)

Hey! I saw that you went to a system of a down concert TD Waterhouse Center in 2005, I just wanted to know if you had recorded anything (even if it's in terrible quality) or if you know anyone else who had, thanks.

Gmail: lukasisagamer@gmail.com

User charts

jargen0 saw 270 different artists.