hansontipton's setlist.fm

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Member since February 22, 2012
Last seen April 22, 2024
Edits so far 221
Edits last month 0


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No problem glad I can help!

The only professionally filmed full shows on YouTube are Kansas City, Dallas, and Toronto.
There are also shows with snippets(such as Knoxville) but not in full, but yes I would also love to see the Knoxville shows. Anyways thank you for your response!

Hi! Is there any chance you filmed the 1984 show from the Jacksons or know anyone who did? If not, that is okay, but there is no full concert footage on YouTube currently from here.

Yours is the duplicate. I created mine a full month before you created the duplicate.

Yes, I saw them in Tallahassee in 1993.

Hello have you ever been at Nirvana concert? I saw you confirm at setlist.fm that you saw 'em at Tallahassee? Am I right?

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hansontipton saw 159 different artists.