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Member since November 11, 2012
Last seen April 2, 2024
Edits so far 302
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I definitely agree with after taking a closer look at the setlists. I am planning to remove the songs from the setlists later tonight. Thanks a lot for catching those mistakes and bringing them to our attention. Also, thanks for getting back to m so promptly

All those David Gilmour gigs that you requested to be deleted happened. Appearance confirmed here.

If you don't believe that the songs listed were played you should remove them and provide a source and/or your reasoning for thinking so but please don't delete the shows themselves. You could also contact me on my homepage to discuss it so that we get these right.

I know that Bjornulf from IORR said he would prepare a full list but I haven't seen it yet. They rehearsed for 24 days and there were no fans for the first 8 days as far as I know so we'll probably never have a full list.


I have seen that you posted a tracklist for the rolling stones public rehearsal from november 8th.

Do you know what they have played at the other (private) rehearsals? Or is there a website / blog where I can find that information?

Thanks in advance for your help.
