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Member since August 26, 2010
Last seen April 21, 2024
Edits so far 401
Edits last month 0


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Thank you very much, that's an incredibly rare song in setlists, so I'm really thankful you were able to provide that info!

Have a good one!

Hey, I noticed that you tagged Muse's 2000 concert at the Melbourne Evelyn Hotel as one that you attended. Do you happen to remember anything that was performed that night? If you can remember whether or not they performed songs like Uno, I would really appreciate if you would let me know or to add them to the setlist. Early Muse setlists like these are very hard to come by, so I could really use the help! Thanks very much, and have a great day:)

Here's the link:

Hi there,
I see you're pretty active on the website, I look after a lot of Australian content here, and it's great to see other Australian users around :)
There's a discussion going on about how to handle Australian venues, and I'd really appreciate just a minute of your time for you to share your opinion. Here's the link:
Many thanks,

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