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Member since March 16, 2013
Last seen January 9, 2024
Edits so far 50
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Plymouth HMV - acoustic set.
I remember they definitely played Muscle Museum and Sunburn. Can't remember what else they did.

Torquay Riviera Centre.
First time I heard them play Feeling Good. Can't remember any other stand out tracks.

Hey, I noticed that you had tagged Muse's 1999 concert at the Plymouth HMV and the 2000 Torquay Riviera Centre as one that you attended. I'm just wondering if you remembered them playing any particular songs such as Uno, or any details about the setlists? If you manage to remember any, I'd really appreciate if you could please add them to the setlists or let me know. Thanks a ton, and have a great day!

Here's the concert link:

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