exMusoJourno's setlist.fm

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Name Denis
MySpace musojourno
Twitter Musojourno

MusicHack's slightly less enigmatic alter ego.


Member since February 8, 2010
Last seen October 17, 2014
Edits so far 135
Edits last month 0


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Hi pomes27,
Sorry I haven't noticed your message for days.
I used to be rather active here, that's true - however I'm a lot less "in the know" these days as I've pretty much left the music biz.

Hi there,
I see you're pretty active on the website, I look after a lot of Australian content here, and it's great to see other Australian users around :)
There's a discussion going on about how to handle Australian venues, and I'd really appreciate just a minute of your time for you to share your opinion. Here's the link:
Many thanks,

User charts

exMusoJourno saw 338 different artists.