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About djdiscod


Member since March 1, 2014
Last seen April 23, 2024
Edits so far 345
Edits last month 0


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I'm unclear by what you mean as "talking down" to you.

We don't add supporting act info to setlists of headliners. Back in the 1960s there were many 'package shows' that toured. There might have been eight or more supporting acts for a headliner like the Beatles or the Rolling Stones. That info can go in the Comment section if someone wants to note it. I usually only add that if there is no Musicbrainz entry fr the particular artist or if it was an 'obscure' band that may have had an artist who went on to become well known.

I am restoring you editing privileges and hope you understand that we need to have consistent rules and Guidelines to prevent listings from becoming too cluttered.

It's too much work to correct your edits right. now. I am revoking your editing privileges unttil you stop. Let me know when that happens.

We don't add supporting act info to setlists of headliners on this website. Please stop. You've been warned before.

The tour gets listed under TOUR... pretty simple right? The other bands that played that day are already listed on the page underneath the setlist. None of that should be in an @info.

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