dahuuuuuuudge's setlist.fm

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Member since April 22, 2014
Last seen October 9, 2020
Edits so far 122
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Although it was from a different show, they did the same thing in Norfolk. And to be fair I tried to let it be known that it wasn’t them properly playing the song. I think I called it “do you love me jam” or something but it got edited over time.
I don’t know how you are but it bugs me when I see a band that i love has covered a song and I can’t find any footage of it.

Just wanted to show you something. I saw a comment you posted on the Type O Norva setlist that I did. I was at that show and they did so “Do you love me” well, it was mainly the drums and Pete calling out band members. Thought you’d be interested in seeing this. I know I’m 3 years too late but maybe it’ll make you feel a little better. https://youtu.be/4QkI_qtl6Ds