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Member since June 6, 2016
Last seen April 16, 2024
Edits so far 385
Edits last month 3
News contributions 691


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Thanks. Feel free to add the songs if you know them. I will delete the wrong ones.

I cant access the link for the Christina Aguilera setlist you asked to have deleted. Is the setlist itself that is bogus or just the added songs?

I bet they did play both places that night! Looks like it's only about a 90 minute drive.

Wow, 58 Yellowcard shows! Looks like we went to separate shows on the same night back in 2003. You updated a setlist I created on 10/25/03, changing the venue from Staples to The Majestic Theater in Ventura. Are you positive about the date? The show I went to was a free set that took place literally on the street outside of Staples Center, around 730 pm, and I have a bunch of videos to confirm.

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News Contributions

breesays contributed to 691 news articles. Most recently to the following: