
ana-conda's user profile image



Member since June 13, 2013
Last seen April 23, 2024
Edits so far 303
Edits last month 4


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Hi. I'm with you, I don't mark attended on gigs I watch online, only mark attended to shows I was in the physical audience for. The exception is the artists I maintain setlists for, so I'm alerted to changes/deletion requests (just marking follow failed on alerts for that once so marking attended is the backup.)
There was some back and forth in the forums about this once the pandemic increased the amount of live streams and pre-recorded "live"streams being performed.

It's all right, man! Thanks for replying anyways, I really appreciate it! :)

Hey there! I see that you were at this Radiohead show in 1995! This setlist is empty, and I was wondering if you happened to remember any of the songs that they played at this show? If so, please get back to me so I can fill the setlist out. Thank you! :)

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ana-conda saw 226 different artists.