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allenz is a Roadie and takes care of your favourite artists and venues!


Member since August 26, 2013
Last seen April 25, 2024
Edits so far 69893
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Hi allenz, regarding Piggy and remixes, the guideline you cite does not actually include remixes as an example of played in a "different manner". It does include "acoustic" as an example, which is a not-uncommon circumstance live where artists might play out a song in a different manner than how it was released on a studio album. When a song has been laid out on an album, however, with a specific title, and that exact version of the song is played live, it should be listed with that title. The guidelines say here: "If you're unsure how a song should be listed, please check the song's original release on"

Here is Piggy (Nothing Can Stop Me Now)'s original release on musicbrainz:

I don't see any reason to deviate from that in the manner you're suggesting. In this thread, in which you make the same argument (, GB_Catalyst05 also makes a good point that you have to list them as their released remix song in order for the performance to get cataloged under the correct album release.

Let me know what you think, otherwise I'll start changing all the Piggy entries to correctly reflect the remix song soon. Thanks.

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