V-12's setlist.fm

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I'm a music fan. I'm writting reports from concerts, doing interviews etc. Music is my life!


Member since July 19, 2016
Last seen April 10, 2024
Edits so far 593
Edits last month 0


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Sure. I know. But there is a small problem because I cannot find proper informations about Beri Beri. I've googled that it was probably a band where Jan Leyers from Soulsister played before. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soulsister

I need more details then.

If you know it's a wrong Beri Beri band, feel free to create the correct one on https://musicbrainz.org/artist/957881b1-7999-4464-ad9a-0602f4e452da with a disambiguation, (this could have been prevented from uploading if the Beri Beri had details about being a Polish group, wait a couple of hours, import it here through the MBID number which you can find under the details tag, and change the wrong concerts.

User charts

V-12 saw 209 different artists.