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About Stefan8


Member since October 6, 2010
Last seen April 19, 2024
Edits so far 125
Edits last month 0


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zie dat je enkele concerten in Paradiso bijwoonde. Aangezien deze opgesplitst dienen te worden naar Paradiso Grote Zaal, Paradiso Kleine Zaal, Paradiso Kelder, Paradiso Elevator... zou je deze kunnen aanpassen indien je het je nog herinnert?

haha that is ok thank you for getting back to me!

hi! i saw that you had attended the Menomena show at the Paradiso in November of 2010

I was wondering if you possibly remember any of the songs they might have played that night? thank you for reading and have a great day! :)

Wow Hey, I've Seen MGMT 4 Times Too. Amazing !

Please, check a picture that I sent you to your facebook. It should be in some other folder.

User charts

Stefan8 saw 174 different artists.