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About SilberROCK


Member since May 3, 2011
Last seen March 26, 2024
Edits so far 108
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I don't think a very local Belgian sixties group performed in New York City
So please create another entry on musicbrainz, wait a couple of hours before importing the new entry and change the setlist.

hi! i saw that you had attended the Local Natives show at Webster Hall in October of 2010

I was wondering if you also happened to catch Menomena's set that same day? If so, do you possibly remember any of the songs they might have played? i believe a heavy majority of the songs were off their albums Mines and Friend and Foe, just wondering if you happened to recall anything. thank you for reading and have a great day! :)

Sure thing! How was the show? NYC is a "hometown" show for them. They are legit my favorite group. I drove from ATL to D.C. to see them this past time.

Find them on the site, and then under their name choose "create setlist." Trying to create one from scratch just ends with headaches!!!

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