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About X_JP


Member since May 31, 2013
Last seen April 19, 2024
Edits so far 946
Edits last month 1


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Please use exact location or venue for the Scopitone festival you attended following the guidelines at

Hey, I noticed that you tagged Muse's 2000 concert at Les Vieilles Charrues as one that you attended. Do you happen to remember anything that was performed that night? If you can remember whether or not they performed songs like Uno, I would really appreciate if you would let me know or to add them to the setlists. Or, do you know if the setlist matched this one from the same time? (
Early Muse setlists like these are very hard to come by, so I could really use the help! Thanks very much, and have a great day:)

Here's the link:

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