
Recordfan08's user profile image



Member since August 27, 2022
Last seen April 26, 2024
Edits so far 150
Edits last month 21


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Hi. This is the third time I've asked you to use a source for your setlist edits on your page and you have continued not to use a source.
The setlist you entered today was deleted because a user reported it as fake since it had no source.
I entered the setlist WITH a source:
If you are confused with sources ask me a question on my page. But if you enter a setlist without a source again, your account will be locked out of editing.

You have to provide a source for your setlist entries. A google search for "The Linda Ronstadt Experience Featuring Tristan McIntosh Smyrna" took me to the venue website which is a SOURCE for the show.
When you enter future setlists you need a source or they may be deleted.

Hi. Please provide a source when you first create a setlist - the artist name, venue, date.
Find a webpage for the show, copy and paste the URL as the source.

Without a source the setlists can be reported for deletion as fake.
thank you!

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Recordfan08 saw 54 different artists.