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Member since January 4, 2010
Last seen May 20, 2020
Edits so far 196
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Hey, I noticed that you said you went to an Aphex Twin gig in Denmark in 2011. Was that part of the Strom Festival at the Tap1 venue? If so, I believe that was on the 20th of August, not the 15th. You've indicated you attended a concert on the 15th, but I can't find any record of Aphex Twin playing in Denmark on that date; just the 20th. Is it possible you went to the one on the 20th instead?

If so, I'd like to delete the empty setlist for the 15th, but I'm currently unable to do so because you've indicated you were there. If you think there's a mistake, I'd love for it to be corrected. Thanks!