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Member since March 7, 2018
Last seen April 23, 2024
Edits so far 5
Edits last month 0


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Oh really? That's great to hear (how was it?), could you happen to share me a photo of that ticket if I'm not bothering you at this moment? thanks in advance! (Gmail is in previous comment)

Hi there, I see that you attended a system of a down show that may have not happened, according to the VOAD's website, the show was canceled due to the war in the middle east, do you happen to have any evidence that this show did happen? if not, do you know anyone who may?

also, uhh, if you happen to have any photos and/or recordings from their brisbane 2012 show. just let me know below :)

Hi, I saw you attended Eminem's concert in Manchester in 1999, I was wondering if you happened to have any recordings/footage from that show or know someone who filmed/recorded it? I would love to see/hear that early Eminem show in case you or anyone has anything, his European shows were especially great that year!

Thanks! :)

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Numetal saw 81 different artists.