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Member since November 7, 2014
Last seen April 7, 2023
Edits so far 812
Edits last month 0


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Thanks you so very much for the info..I’ll certainly give that a try...! Bless You !

Hello again ... Would you have any suggestions of what websites possibly I could research for any video or audio tape ..are you aware of any ...? Like you , I have gone to many allman brothers shows...And they allowed those to tape the looks like we are the only two that attended the Opening of Maritime Hall....!!!

Hello I was at show Maritime Hall 10-27-1995 Gregg Allman ..wasn’t there any video footage of this show because it was opening night..? Or was it recorded on audio.. I’ve been searching this for years..!! I do recall cameras going back and forth from stage right to left.. I was sitting at Gregg’s feet below his Hammond....! Great to see that someone else saw this show....!

Please review the lyrics to 1960 What? and you will see this is the song that was played by Don Was and Friends today, not the John Lee Hooker tune Motor City Burning. Good pickup on Hello Operator, don't forget to attribute the original performer when needed.

Keep up the great work!


Regency Grand Ballroom, San Francisco
April 26, 2010

From The Beginning
I Talk To The Wind
Bitches Crystal
The Barbarian
Take A Pebble >
C'est la Vie
Prelude To Hope - solo piano
Malambo - solo piano
America >
Q + A with audience
Lucky Man