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About MrBlondon


Member since November 30, 2015
Last seen March 15, 2024
Edits so far 88
Edits last month 0


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Hi! I saw that you went to some Robbie Williams concerts. I would like to know if you have bootlegs of him? I have lot since 1997 (from audience, radio, tv) if you want to trade the files.

Thanks :)

Hello, I saw you attended Amy Winehouse's concert @ Zenith (Pris, 2007) :)
Have you got footage or audio from when she sang "We re Still Friends" by DOnny Hathaway? I know there is a video in youtube, but it is the only video from this performance and the beggining is missing :) If you got it, will you ever upload it on youtube or something similar?
Thank you for reading my messase,
An Amy's fan :)

Please use exact location or venue for Borealis festival following the guidelines at

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