
KidAmnesiac02's user profile image



Member since March 10, 2011
Last seen April 16, 2024
Edits so far 203
Edits last month 0


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So bummed I can’t make the Baby Bushka show @ Zebulon tonight. Any chance you are going? They have some new / old Bush tunes in the second act that promise to be epic!

WILD. Someone just posted a comment here *yesterday* after 8 years since prior comment! I am simply mindblown! You are the 2nd profile I clicked on for people who went to Field Day '03! Geeeeez

Found you trying to connect to others who went to Field Day 2003.... trying to source more Elliott Smith vid footage ...sadly I didn't have a dig camera that year :'( (I was 17 yrs old at the fest!)

Hi!! I saw that you went to Chet Faker/Nick Murphy's concert in Spain 2015.
I went too. I'm writing to you to know if maybe you recorded Cigarettes & Loneliness that day? You don't know how hard I've look for that video, but nobody has it.
This is my email in case you find it:
Thank you!!

Thanks for the information, it should be fine now!

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