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Member since November 30, 2009
Last seen April 24, 2024
Edits so far 754
Edits last month 5


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The two Puscifer livestreams were not live (confirmed by Maynard & Carina Round in podcast interviews) and entirely prerecorded. They are flagged for deletion.

You are welcome! I was able to find the sets for Passion 2011 so I just posted those if you want to take a look. Also, I was at Passion 2007 and I have those sets up as well. That year they did not have multiple worship leaders per session so those sets are under each specific artist. If you search "tour:(passion 2007)" you should be able to find them.

Hey again. Search "Passion Worship Band" and you should find all the Passion 2012 sets. A lot of the songs were new so I just guessed on the song titles...I'll try to update them as they are officially released later on. Anyway, hope you enjoy!

Hey there. I'll try to do some Passion 2012 sets! I know the webstream stuff expires today and I don't know that I will have time but I will try. Thanks!

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KevlaUK saw 198 different artists.