Junction's setlist.fm

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Member since June 25, 2014
Last seen April 14, 2024
Edits so far 212
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sorry for the late response

and thank you for the quick response!

yes the two complete known setlists from around this time are identical. (ex. https://www.setlist.fm/setlist/menomena/2013/the-mill-iowa-city-ia-4be8db8e.html and https://www.setlist.fm/setlist/menomena/2013/mercy-lounge-nashville-tn-63c52e83.html) most of their tour shows had little variation bar maybe 1/2 songs. i still like to keep it 100% accurate though in case they played something different

that is a good idea actually, thank you for suggesting it! it wouldn't hurt to try. i will contact each and see if they have any laying around. :)

I could take educated guesses but I don't remember. Have you looked at the shows surrounding that your to see if there is a consistency? Or you might try contacting the band to see if they have their setlists logged.

hi! i saw that you had attended the Menomena show at the Zanzabar in February of 2013


I was wondering if you possibly remember any of the songs they might have played that night? thank you for reading and have a great day! :)

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