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Member since February 1, 2017
Last seen August 21, 2023
Edits so far 105
Edits last month 0


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Hello, I have an unusual request. I see that you attended Journey's concert in Orchard Park, New York on September 27, 1981, and I was wondering, did you happen to record their concert that night, or do you know anyone who did record? If so, please email me at

Hi there, I was hoping to ask you a couple of questions about the April 14, 1976 KISS concert you attended in Niagara Falls, NY.

1. Do you recall if either Detroit Rock City and God of Thunder were performed or not? (Neither song had ever been performed live at this point.)
2. Did you or anyone you know take photos or record the show on audio / video?

Thanks for your help.


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