Embryonic24's setlist.fm

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Member since July 14, 2009
Last seen April 22, 2020
Edits so far 2317
Edits last month 0


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Possible to give a source for both
because one other user is doubting one of these performances.
When adding shows, it's advised to put a source for this, otherwise these might be
considered as fake.

Hi, I see you have added quite a lot of Twelfth Night setlists. Did you take notes or even make recordings?

Dear Daniele, I guess that this is as close to an email that is available to me. That is awesome, that I see you are huge Marillion fan from way back (believe I saw that you submitted set list for two shows in '86 and '87 at DeVoss Center in Grand Rapids, as headliners! Marillion were on my radar then just due to hearing and being crazy for their radio hit Kayleigh (I was just in first few yrs of college) but I wish had dug in deeper then, back before the age of the internet when you would actually have to call a radio station or go to a record store and ask questions to find out more about your favorite band...if I could only go back in time. Well great to see that you were there, and saw Fish and the band in their glory. How was it?

Can you give a source to this setlist? According to my source (bootleg) they didn't play "Blackest Eyes" on that show for the first time but on the next day.

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