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Member since May 28, 2018
Last seen April 9, 2024
Edits so far 111
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Unfortunately I won't be never able to watch them as a whole.. but at least I'll see Queen + Adam Lambert next year!

Anyway, this is the complete audio recording of the show: + Download link:!FOY2xKAQ!Pd8kfwPpa-3xSDSLH6HrNexBZ43V_4yPfwf_PSPPlVE

A TV report filmed the first song and this is the link:

Hopefully this can make you remember something more, enjoy!

Oh don't worry Chris! Luckily we have 2 recording of this show, but in poor quality, if you would like to listen to it I can provide you a youtube link or a download link. Do you have any particular memory about that night? Thanks for the reply.

Hello, I saw you attended Queen's concert in Leiden, June 12th 1986. You're really lucky! I was asking.. did you happen to tape the show? Thanks in advance and have a good day.

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